Swift water scare prompts another warning to be careful

Yesterday, a six year old girl fell into Summit Creek at Mack Park.  She was immediately swept down stream by the swift water.  Fortunately, she was able was able to pull herself from the water a block away from where she fell in.  Her parents were close by, but the water flow is fast and powerful. She suffered mild hypothermia.

A dog was lost in Summit Creek at Smithfield campground. It fell in while attempting to get a drink. It has not been found even though it has been 10 days after being swept away.

Please, until the run-off is complete and the threat of flooding subsided, be vigilant in keeping an eye out for all children, including teens, who may be curious about getting close to banks.  As we all look out for the safety of each other, I believe we can get through these risky days will no more incidents.

Johnny W. McCoy, Chief of Police
Smithfield City Police Department